Isityu sokuDaya
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  • https://www.sbmc.com.cn/upload/img/qby_stainless_steel_diaphragm_pump.jpg
  • Ipompo ye-QBK yensimbi engenastainless diaphragm

Ipompo ye-QBK yensimbi engenastainless diaphragm

QBK stainless steel diaphragm pump uses compressed air as power source, suitable for all kinds of corrosive liquids containing particles, and for high viscosity, volatile, flammable, toxic liquids.

Qhagamshelana nathi

Ipompo ye-QBK yensimbi engenastainless diaphragm



  • isicelo
  • Uphawu loyilo
  • Imodeli kunye neParamitha
  • Izixhobo Zokwakha
  • Ukuzoba Ukuzoba

peanut butter, pickles, mashed potatoes, small sausage, jam, apple syrup, chocolate, etc.

paints, gums, pigments

latex,adhesives and glue

tile, porcelain and pottery glaze

sands and mud

creams and fillers

ukuthuthwa kwamanzi

absorb water for tanker, barge warehouse

hops and yeast slurry, syrup, molasses

cement grout and mortar

abrasive, corrosive, oil and mud, grease

toxic, flammable, volatile liquid

acid, alkali, strong corrosive liquids

high temperature liquid maximum resistance to 150 ℃

as a variety of solid-liquid separation equipment pre-delivery pressure device

Qhagamshelana nathi

Uluhlu lweMveliso

Impompo yeMichiza
Impompo yeMagnetic Drive
Iimpompo ze-API Centrifugal
Impompo yangaphakathi
Isiporho esityibilikayo
Impompo yokuzenzela
Impompo yesikrufu
Isityu sokuDaya

Qhagamshelana nathi

  • Tel: + 86 21 68415960
  • Ifekisi: + 86 21 68415960
  • email: [imeyile ikhuselwe]
  • skype: ulwazi_551039
  • Whatsapp: + 86 15921321349
  • HQ: E / Ukwakhiwa No. 08 Pujiang Intelligen CE Valley, No.1188 Lianhang Road Minhang District Shanghai 201 112 PRChina.
  • Umzi-mveliso: Maolin, Jinocuan County, Xuancheng City, Anhui, kwiPhondo, China