No stirring, pulse free
Gas-liquid conveying
The working surfaces of rotors are free from contact and short-time
dry running can be realized
It can be used for conveying of various non-lubricating media due to
an outboard bearing
Various structures including horizontal, vertical and heating jacket
It can be used for conveying of various low viscosity or high viscosity
media free from solid particles
The accurate part materials can meet the requirements of conveying
corrosive media
TIDIGARE Högeffektiv självsugande dubbelskruvspump
NÄSTA Tryckstabil sanitär enkelskruvspump i livsmedelsprodukterna, Hygienic Food
Conveying Medium
◆ Medium viscosity: 3-760 mm²/s (You can communicate with
our technicians and will be provided with customized service
if it is beyond the scope)
◆ Medium temperature: at most 250℃
◆ The pump applied to the media containing solidified matters
should be specified
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