Corrosive, pure and contaminated media in the chemical;
Pharmaceutic and petrochemical industries;
In metal processing;
Waste water treatment;
When stainless steel is not sufficiently resistant;
Alternative to expensive haste alloy, titanium alloy pumps;
Кога антилепливите површини се важни.
Течност за пумпање
Киселина и каустична течност
Оксидизатор корозивни течности
Difficult-to-seal liquids
Сулфурна киселина
Hydroelectric acid
Азотна киселина
Acid and lye
Nitromuriatic acid

Leak-proof design.
Seal-less Teflon lined magnetic drive pump, driven by magnetic coupling indirectly, motor shaft and pump chamber is completely sealed, which avoids pump leakage problem and use site pollution.
Anti-Corrosive liquid transfer pump's wetted part material is PTFE fused with FEP. It can transfer both low and high concentration acid, alkali, strong oxidizer and other corrosive liquids.
Robust pump casing. The wetted part material is fluoroplastic, and pump casing material is cast iron, and pump casing can bear part of piping and mechanical impact. The structure is tight, safe, and energy-saving. Cost-intensive wearing parts are canceled by the seal-less method of construction, which reduces maintenance costs and prolongs service life.
Virgin Fluor plastic
Considerably easier and more reliable quality control
No reduction in the permeation resistance.
Pure pharmaceutical and fine chemical media: no contamination.
Ракав за растојание изработен од пластика засилена со јаглеродни влакна [CFRP]
The metal-free system does not induce any eddy currents and thus avoids unnecessary heat generation. Efficiency and operational reliability benefit from this .Even low flow rates or media near their boiling point can therefore be conveyed without the introduction of heat.
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Closed impeller with flow-optimized vane channels: for high efficiency and low NPSH values. The metal core is protected by a thick-walled seamless plastic lining, the large metal core and increase the mechanical strength considerably even at elevated temperature and high flow rates .Secured screw connection to the shaft to against loosening if the pump is started up in the wrong direction of rotation or in the case of back-flowing media.