Pompa API610 dikenal karena efisiensinya yang tinggi, keandalannya, dan keserbagunaannya, sehingga sangat penting untuk berbagai aplikasi dalam industri kimia dan konstruksi pabrik hidrogen peroksida. Kunjungan ke fasilitas pemasok kami memberikan ...
Pertumbuhan Menarik dan Kunjungan Klien yang Sukses di Bangladesh! Dari tanggal 23 April hingga 2 Mei, tim ShuangBao kami mendapat kehormatan untuk mengunjungi klien kami yang terhormat di Dhaka dan Chittagong, Bangladesh. Kami diundang untuk mendiskusikan ekspansi ambisius mereka...
At the beginning of July, Our company's general manager Meagan and Sales manager Frieda lead Mozyr Oil refinery's Deputy head of production department -Vishnevski Aliaksa
Fluoroplastic magnetic pump is currently a new type of corrosion-resistant fluoroplastic pump, which has been widely used in many fields because of non-leakage .
Precautions during maintenance of fluoroplastic centrifugal pump 1. LubricationDuring the operation of the fluoroplastic centrifugal pump, the conveyed medium, water and other substances may e
Optimizing your pumping system can be the way to go when it's time to replace a pump or to cut costs drastically.There are four steps you can take to optimize your pumping system. First, reduc
Precautions for the use of screw pumps :1. Before starting the machine, the direction must be determined first, and the reverse direction is not allowed:2. It is strictly forbidden to run dry w
Magnetic drive centrifugal pump (referred to as chemical magnetic pump) is a fully sealed, leak-free and pollution-free industrial pump that completely solves the shaft seal leakage of m
Slurry pumps are generally used in the washing process of coal and metal ore to transport slurry containing particulate matter, such as coal slurry, ore slurry, etc. Slurry pumps play a pivotal role in the mine washing process.
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