API610 pumps are known for their high efficiency, reliability, and versatility, making them crucial for a wide range of applications in the chemical industry and hydrogen peroxide plant construction. The visit to our supplier's facility provided ...
Fàs inntinneach agus tadhal teachdaiche soirbheachail ann am Bangladesh! Bho 23 Giblean gu 2 Cèitean, bha e na urram don sgioba ShuangBao againn tadhal air ar luchd-dèiligidh cliùiteach ann an Dhaka agus Chittagong, Bangladesh. Fhuair sinn cuireadh bruidhinn mun leudachadh àrd-amasach aca...
At the beginning of July, Our company's general manager Meagan and Sales manager Frieda lead Mozyr Oil refinery's Deputy head of production department -Vishnevski Aliaksa
Fluoroplastic magnetic pump is currently a new type of corrosion-resistant fluoroplastic pump, which has been widely used in many fields because of non-leakage .
Rabhadh nuair a thathar a’ cumail suas pumpa ceud-ghluasadach fluoroplastic 1. Lubrication Rè obrachadh a’ phumpa ceud-ghluasadach fluoroplastic, faodaidh am meadhan giùlain, uisge agus stuthan eile e.
Optimizing your pumping system can be the way to go when it's time to replace a pump or to cut costs drastically.There are four steps you can take to optimize your pumping system. First, reduc
Precautions for the use of screw pumps :1. Before starting the machine, the direction must be determined first, and the reverse direction is not allowed:2. It is strictly forbidden to run dry w
Tha pumpa centrifugal dràibhidh magnetach (ris an canar pumpa magnetach ceimigeach) na phump gnìomhachais làn seulaichte, gun aodion agus gun truailleadh a dh ’fhuasgladh gu tur aodion ròin shailean m.
Mar as trice bithear a' cleachdadh pumpaichean giodar ann am pròiseas nighe guail agus mèinn mheatailt gus sioda a ghiùlan anns a bheil stuth gràineach, leithid sioda guail, iodar mèinn, msaa.
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