
የብክለት ቁጥጥር

ቤት> ኢንዱስትሪዎች > የብክለት ቁጥጥር


የብክለት ቁጥጥር;

Added sewage treatment chemicals to the liquid tank; collection and transportation of waste liquid; waste absorption equipment (deodorant device, exhaust gas desulfurization).

ለበለጠ መረጃ

  • ስልክ: + 86 21 68415960
  • ፋክስ: + 86 21 68415960
  • ኢሜይል: [ኢሜል የተጠበቀ]
  • Skype: info_551039
  • WhatsApp: + 86 15921321349
  • ዋና መሥሪያ ቤት፡ ኢ/ህንፃ ቁጥር 08 ፑጂያንግ ኢንተሊገን CE ሸለቆ፣ ቁጥር 1188 ሊያንሃንግ መንገድ ሚሀንግ አውራጃ ሻንጋይ 201 112 PRChina።
  • ፋብሪካ፡ ማኦሊን፣ጂኖኩዋን ካውንቲ፣Xuancheng City፣Anhui,Province,China
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